Sunday, August 15, 2010

Federal Appeals Court Ruling on Prop.8 Must be the Right one

"For decades, conservative justices on the Supreme Court have ruled to limit who has standing to bring a claim in federal court. In cases involving civil rights, environmental protection and the separation of church and state, the court has ordered that cases be dismissed because the party pursuing the case had no legal standing to do so".,0,6839883.story?track=rss

This article proves the point that the court must rule against the proponents of Proposition as no harm is done to them by allowing marriage equality in California. I am disappointed that Judge Walker extended the stay until the 18th, but it is understood that in order for the process to fully come full circle and not be questioned under any bias assumptions, all the steps must be taken. The continued promise of America will never be fulfilled as long as we allow our society to consider some rights only worth of some and continues to create by default another affected second class of citizens.

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I want to continue to add my voice and have a say in future development plans, affecting positive change on all issues, having a voice in local politics and representing communities by having a seat at the table and making a difference in the decision making process. I believe it is not only the right, but also the responsibility of interested and capable citizens to become engaged in local government policy by advising elected officials on important community-related issues. Serving on a Board or Commission is an excellent way to make a personal and tangible contribution.



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