Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rent Board Election Results

I want to personally thank all the people that voted for me, endorsed me and help me in this race. Even though the outcome was not what I wanted, I believe the discussion about inclusiveness and minority outreach has been started. One can not loose or win if one does not try. I am a bigger person for the test and the campaign. I am humbled by the lessons and enriched by the experience. There was a lot of love and compassion my way last night from the love of my life and for that I am grateful and blessed. The work in a City as great as ours requires commitment and passion and the belief that the needs of all are important. There must be retrofitting, and seismic preparation forums in all languages as well as pamplets about rights.  The election is over and the 4X4 must meet and work on behalf of the citizens. We must remember how the balance of power has changed in washington but gratefully not in California. Regardless of how you define your style of Progresivism, we are all in this Democratic experiment together and it must be able to function for all and with all. I congratulate the elected Commissioners. I wish them true speed and luck in their task on behalf of renters in Berkeley.

George Perezvelez

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I want to continue to add my voice and have a say in future development plans, affecting positive change on all issues, having a voice in local politics and representing communities by having a seat at the table and making a difference in the decision making process. I believe it is not only the right, but also the responsibility of interested and capable citizens to become engaged in local government policy by advising elected officials on important community-related issues. Serving on a Board or Commission is an excellent way to make a personal and tangible contribution.



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