Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bart Police Oversight Article and Criticism

Good Article in the Contra Costa Times about Police Oversight and the efforts to implement a Commission to oversee the Bart Police. In as much as I do agree with the article that most commissions are only able to make recommendations as it relates to oversight and policy, check and balances still do exist allowing the people to have a voice when it comes to the kind of Police department they engage with in their communities on a regular basis. The ability to make a complaint and have that complaint heard and changes made to the way sworn officers interact with the public goes a long way towards accountability, respect and the building of trust.

I am posting this again as the comment by the BPA representative touched a nerve with several commissioners on the Police Review Commission. To dismiss the work of the commission off hand by stipulating "that the findings are never used" diminishes the hard work of oversight we do. The Commission has started a subcommittee to look into changes to the Ordinance so that we can truly be part of the disciplinary process and have our findings used and not dismissed.

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I want to continue to add my voice and have a say in future development plans, affecting positive change on all issues, having a voice in local politics and representing communities by having a seat at the table and making a difference in the decision making process. I believe it is not only the right, but also the responsibility of interested and capable citizens to become engaged in local government policy by advising elected officials on important community-related issues. Serving on a Board or Commission is an excellent way to make a personal and tangible contribution.



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