Monday, April 5, 2010

Goodbye and Good riddance

Donald Trump fires Rod Blagojevich
09:09 AM
Yahoo! Buzz

If you missed last night's Celebrity Apprentice, you missed Donald Trump telling Rod Blagojevich, "You're fired!"

Blago was the project leader for the men's team, tasked with creating an interactive display for the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction at Universal. He delegated most of the work to rocker Bret Michaels, but when the team lost Blagojevich refused to take Michaels into the boardroom with him as a candidate for firing. "I'm not going to throw him under the bus," he told Trump. Here's his exit interview:


In true honesty who cares about this show or the fact that he was fired but... The ex-governor should have not been given the opportunity to try and lobby for the sympathy and commiseration of the American public. As shown last night, he can not accept responsibility for his inability to engage his intellect. I am not sure what is worse; seeing some elected officials(impeached or otherwise) truly divulge their intellect or lack of thereof or the fact that we keep electing people that are not remotely suited to represent us. He is on the same list as the Georgia Rep. who believes the Isle of Guam could tilt into the ocean if more troops land on it. I am sure there are qualified citizens able to represent us effectively and intelligently. Must there always be an incumbent, a "legacy" candidate or an affiliation to the cronyistic behavior sometimes displayed by inside politics to run and be elected? It is discouraging. Having said that, there are some great representatives, governors, mayors and senators that have the best interest at heart of their constituents. They just seem to be too far and in between.

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