Tuesday, April 6, 2010

- Video From Helicopter in 2007 Shows Air Attack in Baghdad That Killed Photographer -

As a Veteran of Dessert Shield and Dessert Storm, I continue to be both astounded and ashamed of the behavior by the Pentagon when it comes to acknowledging fault and responsibility for the meaningless loss of life. There are several issues to consider here though. The failure to step up to the plate and admit that the event was regrettable, unnecessary and tragic was reprehensible. The truth is not beyond our means.

First and foremost, starting with the tragic accidental death by friendly fire of Corporal Pat Tillman to the ghastly torture pictures from Abu Ghraib, there has been a systematic breakdown of accountability and respect for the rule of law. The misplaced belief that US troops can be endangered by the exposure of the truth is ludicrous. The justification that such actions are the result of the so called "fog of war" is insulting. We immersed ourselves deep in self-denial and spent eight plus years while the country was at war shopping our economy into the ground. We as Americans must face the reality that this war has not only damaged our standing in the world, but that there are high and tangible consequences to our careless disengagement.

Second and as important is the crude behavior and careless comments made by the helicopter pilots after the dust had cleared. And even then, they continued to fire on the car that had come to the rescue of the wounded and dying. Never mind that there were children in the car. Since when is the blatant disregard for any human life become an American value? Is the dehumanizing of people the only way we can justify their deaths? Approved and sanctioned rules of engagement non-withstanding, we must not loose sight of our humanity. No one's freedom is worth that price.

Third and as shocking as the tragic death of the reporters, are the accusations made about irresponsible behavior by Wikileaks.org. Since when is the freedom of information act and it's use not one of the most patriotic things to do? The ability to accept and learn from wrongdoing, grow as a nation and accept responsibility are the true signs of a strong and viable Democracy. there seems to be a convenient choice to forget that the information was not forth coming from the pentagon and the information that was given was both untruthful and misleading.

We must call on President Obama to publicly express condolences to the families of the Iraqi Reuters employees. The President must call for the full Pentagon investigation into the matter to be made public, either through hearings in congress or full declassification of the material. President Obama must expedite our withdrawal for Iraq. The loss of life,treasure and standing can no longer be sustained. It can be argued and proven that great steps have been made by the Obama administration to come clean with the American public and the world. The last remains of the shameful disposition and conduct of the war by the prior administration must be excised once and for all.

-George David Perezvelez

Video Shows 2007 Air Attack in Baghdad That Killed Photographer - NYTimes.com

Video Shows U.S. Killing of Reuters Employees

WASHINGTON — The Web site WikiLeaks.org released a graphic video on Monday showing an American helicopter shooting and killing a Reuters photographer and driver in a July 2007 attack in Baghdad.
An image from the video of a 2007 helicopter attack in Baghdad, released by WikiLeaks.org. Subtitles of pilot conversations and explanatory comments were added.
A senior American military official confirmed that the video was authentic.
Reuters had long pressed for the release of the video, which consists of 38 minutes of black-and-white aerial video and conversations between pilots in two Apache helicopters as they open fire on people on a street in Baghdad. The attack killed 12, among them the Reuters photographer, Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and the driver, Saeed Chmagh, 40.
Reuters employees were allowed to view the video on an off-the-record basis two weeks after the killings, but they were not allowed to obtain a copy of it. The news organization said its Freedom of Information Act requests were not approved.
At a news conference at the National Press Club, WikiLeaks said it had acquired the video from whistle-blowers in the military and viewed it after breaking the encryption code. WikiLeaks released the full 38-minute video as well as a 17-minute edited version.

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