Sunday, May 2, 2010 is a Grassroots Effort

Friday, April 30, 2010

Out4Immigration’s Grassroots Efforts Get Senate’s Attention

APRIL 30, 2010

Out4Immigration’s Grassroots Efforts Get Senate’s Attention
Permanent Partners Included in Senate Framework for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Media Contact: 

Amos Lim, Out4Immigration, 415-608-5526,

San Francisco, CA – April 30, 2010—Yesterday was an important day for Out4Immigration, the all-volunteer grassroots organization that fights for same-sex binational couples and their families to be included in comprehensive immigration reform (CIR). With the inclusion of permanent partners in the Senate’s framework for CIR, it is evident that the many different grassroots activities the group engages in are having an impact.

Amos Lim, Founding Board Member, says in an open letter to the group’s members who have worked tirelessly for passage of the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) and its inclusion in CIR:

I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally get the confirmation that LGBT Families will be included in Comprehensive Immigration Reform-- making it a truly INCLUSIVE bill.

The HARD work now begins: Now, more than ever, we need to step up our efforts. If you want an INCLUSIVE CIR bill to be passed, we need to keep up the pressure right now and do everything we can to make sure Congress hears us!
LGBT issues are and should not only be centered around the right to marry, the repeal of DADT, the repeal of DOMA or the adoption of ENDA. 

Discrimination comes in different shades and forms. Adoption of the Permanent Immigration Act, reintroduced in 2005 in the House and the Senate under it's new name, the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) must be a priority. This legislation has been stalled for 5 years and is overdue.

I heard an inspiring speech given by Chris Barnett on the effects the lack of action by the government to enact UAFA has had in his life. It is cathartic to express OUT our frustrations with the establishment when they preclude us from our right to happiness in our lives.

As more and more states move to adopting legislation recognizing Civil Unions ( last one to do so was the State of Hawaii) to states in which marriage is legal (Massachusetts, Iowa and the District of Columbia and CA for a short while) to implementation of Domestic Partnership Ordinances, the failure of the Federal Government to accept State's rights on this issue and the adoption of DOMA, have made it impossible for LGBT members in committed relationships regardless of their marriage and or partnership status to come together and live as one in the United States. This discriminatory practice is not even an issue to heterosexual couples from different countries with spouses/loved ones in the US.

Are equal protection clauses and rights under the US Constitution only applicable to a certain  number of people in our communities and nation?. Is the road to enlightenment so narrow that we continue to marginalize elements within our society we are either to afraid to understand or accept? Isn't diversity what has made our country great throughout our history? Immigration policies must be rooted in common sense and practicality. Bringing out of the shadows the more than 15 million undocumented alien workers and the adoption of legislation that brings together and not apart families is the American way. "SI SE PUEDE" does have more that the usual implications. A call to activism by organizations like is the right call to arms. 

During the May 1st workers march in San Francisco, the tone veered towards immigration and the repeal of the Arizona law as the issue on the forefront. Equality for all and on all issues should always be the message. Equality in representation, Equality in work status, Equality in justice and Equality in the pursuit of happiness.
Secretary Napolitano called the Law a "cry of frustration". The real frustration is truly tangible in the thousands of demonstrators at the march. The Federal Government's failure to act has exacerbated the problem.

President Obama recently commented that the Arizona law threatened "to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial at keeping us safe" 

A better definition of unfairness could be a lack of action. Lack of leadership by either party can, and in the case of Arizona, motivate fringe political groups and legislators to grasp at flawed and discriminatory solutions.

All LGBT members and straight supporters need to come together and unite behind all social justice issues. Only a concerted effort of community activism will bring results.

-George Perezvelez

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