Thursday, May 13, 2010


I am actually taking this phrase from a friend of mine - so many things have happened in the last weeks that I would have to blog everyday just to cover all of the issues!

1. Arizona passes and the Governor signs into law SB 1070 and then signs and addendum and everything is OK now?  REALLY?
2. Arizona passes into law a restriction to ethnic studies because in the past they were supposedly discriminatory to other races not of the class and by only allegedly accepting only one race in the course they therefore "ghettorized" the students? REALLY?
3. Arizona eliminates same sex partner benefits for state workers and it has nothing to do with homophobia and hate politics? REALLY?
4. San Francisco, Oakland and Santa Cruz lead the charge in proclamations against SB 1170? REALLY?
5. With all the possible progressive candidates out there, President Obama selected the Solicitor General as the best and only choice? REALLY
6. Republican Pundits say Elena Kagan is not smart enough on CNN? REALLY? 

I understand that 6 and 7 would seem conflictive of each other but the question is not whether the choice is smart but whether she was the best progressive choice.

7. The best police Chief the Bart board can choose is a candidate that went through a vote of no confidence in his last department and now is looking to transfer from a job he has not held for a long time? REALLY?
8. Another right wing Republican religious figure with a long history of anti-gay rhetoric and hate votes turns out to be a self loathing closeted one? REALLY?
9. Oakland Mayor Dellums goes back on his word to not take a pay raise during this tough economic times for the city but we do not have any money for public school teachers? REALLY?
10. The maintenance on the fittings for the still gushing oil rig was not done properly and even failed a stress test before the implosions and BP, Halliburton and Transocean are still pointing fingers and refusing to take full responsibility? REALLY?

The list goes on and on!

George Perezvelez

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I want to continue to add my voice and have a say in future development plans, affecting positive change on all issues, having a voice in local politics and representing communities by having a seat at the table and making a difference in the decision making process. I believe it is not only the right, but also the responsibility of interested and capable citizens to become engaged in local government policy by advising elected officials on important community-related issues. Serving on a Board or Commission is an excellent way to make a personal and tangible contribution.



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